What MERV Rating Should I Use for Pets?

For pet dander and allergies, you'll want to use oven filters with a MERV 8 to MERV 13 rating. On average, MERV 8 filters can remove up to 85% of large air particles and 50% of small particles. If your air conditioner motor can handle a MERV 11 filter, it's a great option for homes with pets or if you have children who are prone to allergies.A MERV rating indicates the minimum filter efficiency. Filters with higher MERV scores can capture more and smaller particles from the air.

An oven filter with a MERV rating of 5-8 will stop fibers such as dog and cat hair, but won't stop dandruff. To capture dandruff and other small debris in the air, you'll need a filter with a MERV rating of 13-16. Filters that are MERV 16 to 20 are usually only found in hospitals, cleanrooms, and nuclear power plants.MERV 11 filters are the minimum recommendation for pet owners, as they can filter out the smallest particles that their pets bring indoors and outdoors, as well as pet dander. However, if you also have newborns or older family members who live with you who are more susceptible to getting sick, then you should opt for a MERV 13 filter. These filters can capture more allergens and can help minimize symptoms of pet allergies.When homeowners are diligent in performing monthly filter changes, their HVAC systems can operate at optimal efficiency.

A MERV 13 oven filter will work perfectly without creating any unnecessary airflow problems, filtering approximately 95% of large air particles and approximately 80% of small particles.Choosing the right furnace filter is essential when welcoming a pet into the family. Knowing the differences between MERV 11 and MERV 13 air filters will help you select the best air filter for pet hair, depending on your personal preferences and situation.

Glenda Domio
Glenda Domio

Food enthusiast. Incurable music expert. Infuriatingly humble web buff. General internet maven. Extreme twitter buff.